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Diamonds in the Health Industry

The abilities of a diamond extend beyond its beauty. According to a recent study by a South Wales College, Cardiff University nanodiamonds have a series of health benefits. The tiny diamond particles, that are a thousand times smaller than a human hair, are used to help treat cancer. But how exactly does a small diamond help with the treatment of cancer?

By attaching nanodiamonds to chemotherapy drugs the treatment will become more effective. After the anticancer drug is released into the human body, cancer cells pump them out before they have the time to do the work. Nanodiamonds, however, have the ability to overcome this problem since the cancer cell which usually pumps out the treatment can’t carry the extended diamond particles. The treatment, therefore, remains inside the body.

The other benefits of nanodiamonds are that they are compatible with human cells and that they can reflect light. Scientists use the nanodiamond’s reflective property to monitor the progression of the cells after the patient was given the treatment. Due to the remarkable relationship diamonds have with light, medical researchers have also considered using diamonds for the blind; researchers are testing diamonds on eye implants as well as bionic eyes.

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